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Lous XIII unveils Rare Cask 42.1

Ten years since RARE CASK 42.6, LOUIS XIII has unveiled RARE CASK 42.1 – a true wonder of Time and Nature, offering an ultimate expression of LOUIS XIII Cognac.

Available in a limited number of just over 775 unique black crystal decanters, RARE CASK 42.1 is a gateway into the wonders of the world, embracing the realms of the unknown and the unfamiliar in the quest for the extraordinary.

The tiercons that lie amongst the shadows in the cellars of Domaine de Grollet – the confluence of the LOUIS XIII Legacy – are wonders in themselves. Together they hold a treasured collection of eaux-de-vie, precious memories distilled from the Cognac Grande Champagne terroir, and from which LOUIS XIII Cognac is born.

Each tiercon is born from French oak trees that take over 100 years to reach maturity and is said to have its own spirit that it whispers into the eaux-de-vie. Every acorn planted is a promise of the gift of Time and Nature: by thinking centuries ahead, LOUIS XIII creates wonderful horizons for future generations.

Kept in obscurity and seemingly undisturbed, the eaux-de-vie inside are undergoing an enchanting transformation. They deepen with emotional intensity and fascinating mahogany hues that will one day radiate once brought into light. The combined forces of Time and Nature acting through an endless number of interwoven cycles give LOUIS XIII Cognac its inimitable complexity.

Baptiste Loiseau

Visionaries and guardians, LOUIS XIII Cellar Masters secure the distant future by preserving our heritage in an endless sequence of transmission – to preserve a timeless spirit whose soul is unwavering, forever reborn. Baptiste Loiseau, the fifth-generation Cellar Master of LOUIS XIII, balances curiosity with humility – the art of wondering – to unceasingly build new knowledge into a pearl of ever-growing collective wisdom.

The uncovering of a RARE CASK is a unique moment in the life of a LOUIS XIII Cellar Master, as such a spontaneous, rare occurrence may never happen in a single lifetime.

“If the quality of a RARE CASK rests entirely on a miracle given by nature, the know-how that is necessary to its creation was born from a transmission of an art, from generation to generation, where each cellar master perpetuates the gestures of his predecessors,” says Baptiste Loiseau.

The meticulous tasting of the eaux-de-vie as they age, in the endless transmission of savoir-faire, is part of the lifelong purpose of each Cellar Master to perpetuate the LOUIS XIII Legacy. RARE CASK 43.8 was discovered in 2004 by previous Cellar Master Pierrette Trichet, and RARE CASK 42.6 in 2009 when Baptiste Loiseau and Pierrette Trichet were collaborating. For the third time in history, in an unexpected departure from the ordinary passage of time, Baptiste Loiseau uncovers RARE CASK 42.1.

Inexplicable and unpredictable, a single tierçon has just unveiled its uniquely exceptional aromatic profile, giving a distinct expression of LOUIS XIII Cognac never encountered before, and with an unexpected 42.1% ABV.

Baptiste Loiseau is inspired by the unknown and the unfamiliar – thriving in the possibilities that time can give and artfully sculpting the wonders of the future.

Particular sensitivity is required to distinguish Nature’s whispers from the silence. Carefully listening to the delicate conversations within the tierçon between the century-old oak and the eaux-de-vie, Baptiste Loiseau nurtures the expression of RARE CASK 42.1, letting his instinct decide the right moment for this wonder to be enjoyed in all its delight.

“To discover Rare Cask 42.1, I listened to my instincts and favoured emotion to science. I call upon my memories,” shares Baptiste Loiseau.

Making of the decanter

Ten years later, on 24 March 2023, RARE CASK 42.1 is to be revealed to the world. The single tiercon provides a limited number of just over 775 decanters, specially crafted from black crystal by Baccarat.
The forming of each decanter is a spectacular demonstration of the juxtaposition of art and savoir-faire: to achieve a perfect, jewel-like black finish requires incredible talent and utmost care. For a brief instant, 20 master craftsmen must work in unison in a race against time to complete more than fifty distinct operations while the necessary temperature remains in the glass.

Ultimately, the decanter is dressed in a gold and rhodium-finished neck, while the ring is finely engraved with quadrilobe patterns in reference to France’s fleur de lys. RARE CASK 42.1 is the first edition to be presented as a ritual set. The black crystal decanter is accompanied by Pillet crystal glasses ornated with black quatrefoils and a serving pipette featuring a black medallion.

An exclusive event was held in Venice, Italy, to celebrate the discovery of RARE CASK 42.1 and mark this special moment in time, with the theme ‘Care For Wonders’. A city that for hundreds of years has preserved a unique heritage, patrimony, and artistic beauty, Venice today remains a source of inspiration that draws creative minds from across the world.

Joining lasting memories of events at the Guilin Caves, China for RARE CASK 43.8, and in Udaipur, India for RARE CASK 42.6, LOUIS XIII will once again share a spontaneous spirit with highly selected clients and media around the world, a new milestone into building a timeless legacy.

With RARE CASK 42.1, LOUIS XIII reminds us of the importance of caring for wonders – for Time and Nature, at the crossroads of art and savoir-faire – so that they can continue to be enjoyed by the world.

The discovery of this RARE CASK will also be made possible through an exclusive tasting experience in several cities around the world, including Paris, Zurich, London, Dubai, Moscow, Miami, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York and Kuala Lumpur.

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